Five Elements Of Excellent Guitar Practice Schedules That Help Improve Your Guitar Skills

Five Elements Of Excellent Guitar Practice Schedules That Help Improve Your Guitar Skills

You transform into a killer guitarist quickly whenever you train with the best guitar schedules. The best guitar practice schedules are made of five elements that help your guitar playing:

Guitar Practice Element #1: Skill Progression

Your guitar practice routines need to facilitate the development of your musical skills. These types of skills include the following:

*Completely mastering the guitar playing techniques for the style you want to play in.

*Learning about how to apply music theory into actual music. Music theory is key for helping you play guitar with emotion.

*Developing aural skills. By doing this, you will be able to hear what you want to play in your head and translate it to your instrument.

*Becoming tight with your rhythm guitar playing. This skill involves being able to play cleanly, accurately, and consistent in perfect time. This needs to be practiced just like any other guitar skill.

*Developing excellent fretboard visualization when it comes to scales and arpeggios. This is how you learn to play in all areas of the fretboard while soloing.

*Improving your guitar phrasing skills. This means HOW you play notes during a guitar solo.

*Learning to how to record yourself playing guitar so you can improve your skills.

*Learning how to play guitar in front of other people without making mistakes.

*Improvising guitar solos.


(All of these skills are just the tip of the iceberg and are made up of many smaller skills)

Guitar Practice Element #2: Fixing Problem Areas

In the process of achieving your musical goals you will come across many problems. These problems are specific to you and your musical goals. That said, the guitar practice routines you use must help you solve these problems, such as:

*Two hand synchronization problems – you can’t play fast with great accuracy until your hands are lined up in perfect sync.

*Not being creative enough – being creative is a skill you can practice and improve upon. There are specific routines using practice strategies that will make you a more creative musician.

*Poor timing – both your rhythm and lead guitar skills improve when you play in time.

*Inconsistent guitar playing – “consistency” means being able to consistently play without making mistakes.

*Sloppy guitar playing due to unwanted string noise.

*Poor hand endurance. This makes it difficult to play guitar for a while without becoming tired.

*Regaining your guitar skills after taking a long break from playing. You need to practice in a different manner in order to regain your skills after taking a break as opposed to how you normally practice.

(Optional) Guitar Practice Element #3: Building A Repertoire Of Songs

It’s not a requirement that you learn songs in order to become a great guitarist. However, you might work on songs if the following is true:

*You are working on songs that you will be performing live.

*You are using songs as a means to study musical creativity.

*You like learning songs for the fun of it.

You need to be 100% sure of the reason why you want to work on songs. This way, you will know how much time is needed to practice in this area.

Guitar Practice Element #4: Application & Integration Of Your Musical Skills

Musical skills need to be applied and integrated, not just worked on in isolation. You must apply what you know into many musical situations. You also need to combine all of your skills together through practice. This is essential for mastering anything on guitar.

The following video shows how application and integration should be practiced:

Guitar Practice Element #5: Review

Make sure you take the time to review skills and materials that you’ve already learned. This is done to ensure that your guitar playing stays balanced.

Why It’s Necessary To Have Several Practice Routines Accomplish Your Guitar Playing Goals

You will not become a great guitarist using only one practice schedule. A single guitar practice routine is just the beginning to achieving your musical goals. Once you begin reaching your shorter-term goals, you should adjust your schedules to continue progressing more and more. Your guitar practice schedules have to change to meet the demands of new guitar playing goals and challenges.

Guitar practice is fun when you focus your time on the right things. Whenever you practice, you’ll notice yourself becoming better and better. This helps you become a better player fast and keeps you focused until all your musical goals are met.

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